
Please visit http://www.mindcheck.ca

2 thoughts on “mindcheck.ca

  1. How do I purchase a copy of brian 3 pounds of fat …?
    I am a believer in Christ as of a few years ago now seeking the word and want to be able to focuss better and increase memory and structure my thought to not to wander from topic to topic ….processing filing and storing information properly at a much better speed that It might be able to study well and revieve employment ….my central nervous system is constantly vibrating distracting me.
    I am an incomplete paraplegic due to a spinal cord injury April 29th 2006
    I am struggling with focusing, memory long and short …so many presuous memories of my past with kids and people tell of things from my past and I rarely remember the stories… I do have some memory but general day to day stuff …I use daytimers cell phone calenders and alarms are much important in my life .
    I suffer with so much pain in legs and lower back and left glute muscle or hip area ….this affects my power to think and energy as well.
    I seen your book on Eternally Yours

    God bless you richly as I'm sure he is !!!

    Montie Bannick 604-441-1354

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