Destiny and Happiness

Your life will be managed by your choices.

-Choose your thoughts, for they become your words.

-Choose your words, for they become your actions.

-Choose your actions, for they become your habits.

-Choose your habits, for they will become your character.

-Choose your character, for it becomes your Destiny.

Choice not CHANCE determines your Destiny!

(This is taken from my book hopefully coming out in Feb. or March 2013!)

2 thoughts on “Destiny and Happiness

  1. Very true. I actually remebmer Being Bored when I was young! Now bored means not being present or grateful for the moment and living my life. Thanks for posting this nice to be reminded to slow down and smell the roses. Life has so much to offer if only you see it that way .

  2. Awesome words Peter this is good for me to refer to as I finally work on myself and better my life, very proud of you with all the work you are doing, take care and don’t work too hard

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